

The first interview is from the male perspective of Johandy Martinez, a 22-year-old Senior at Rowan University. The interview took place on March 29, 2011 in a conference room at the Rowan University Recreation Center. Johandy was interviewed by Julianne Kovary while Amy Schuster recorded the interview and Sarah Wagner took notes.

The second interview is from the female perspective of Kristen Ligas, a 20-year-old Junior at Rowan University. The interview took place on April 6, 2011 in the living room of Amy Schuster’s home. Kristen was interviewed by Amy Schuster.

The goals for both interviews were to discover each interviewee's experience with food and weight gain during their Freshman year at Rowan, the factors that affected their weight gain, the changes made from Freshman year to present day, and the moment they knew they needed a change. We wanted to experience the journey of their collegiate weight gain and/or weight loss.

For the most part, all of the goals were met through both interviews. Hearing Johandy’s detailed story allows the viewer to gain an inside look at a healthy lifestyle. He offers the perspective of a fitness professional to his story, leaving the viewer with more knowledge about weight loss. Kristen’s interview truly expresses the impact of personal emotions on eating and weight gain.

Interview 1 - The Male Perspective

Interview 2 - The Female Perspective

Clip of Johandy's Interview

Clip of Kristen's Interview


The process of researching and composing this piece was eye-opening. We are all new to the research aspect of writing, thus this project was a great learning experience.  We were able to gain insight on our specific research topic, as well as learn the "ins and outs" of collaborative research in preparation for our more formal research project.  We are now more aware of the direction we are heading in with our research and are anxious to get started.  For our final project, we will conduct shorter interviews with a variety of Rowan students. These interviews, as well as clips from the above interviews, will be presented in a short documentary that will answer the question, "What are the factors that lead to weight gain in students at Rowan University?"